The Effects of a Lack of Resources in Schools

Due to the high resource gap within schools, teachers often feel obligated to purchase resources for their classrooms. This cost comes out of their own money, despite their limited salaries. Without reimbursements, this puts a heavy burden on teachers, regardless of how they choose to act: if they buy resources, they spend money from their paychecks, but if they do not, they know that their students are not able to reach their full potential. Sam Keppler, having experience as a teacher, works to reduce the need for teachers to sacrifice their hard-earned paychecks.

The Modern Principal

“Empowering Administrators to Work Toward Positive Change

Administrators have a pivotal role in physical resource allocation. Sam encourages administrators to rethink how they distribute resources:

  • Equal funding vs. varying allocations for different subjects

  • Upfront classroom setup vs. ongoing allocation based on student needs

  • New teacher costs vs. veteran teacher costs

These questions hold the key to effective resource distribution strategies that empower teachers and maximize impact.”

“Actionable Takeaways for Building Leaders

Sam leaves administrators and educators with actionable takeaways. She suggests collecting data on what teachers are purchasing out of their own pockets. This information can lead to more informed resource allocation decisions and create a culture of transparency. Sam underscores the importance of advocating upwardly based on this data and fostering a collaborative decision-making process.

Resource equity cannot be an afterthought in a world where education is the cornerstone of progress. Sam’s pioneering research bridges the gap between educators’ needs and administrators’ decisions, ultimately cultivating an enriched learning environment for both teachers and students. The goal of this research is to address the lack of resources in schools to improve teacher retention and student achievement.”