How K-12 Schools Can Minimize the Effects of Resource Gaps in Underserved Schools

β€œAre students who need the most receiving the least?” Students who need the most support often receive the least, as high-poverty districts spend 17% below adequate levels. Black/African-American and Hispanic/Latinx students are disproportionately affected, attending schools funded 21% and 13% below adequate levels, respectively. In contrast, predominantly white districts spend 21% above adequate funding levels, highlighting stark inequities in resource distribution.

   K-12 Dive   

The view from an underserved district

1. Teacher burnout

2. Less opportunity to attend to individual students

3. Lower student engagement

Meeting the needs of underserved communities

1. Use professional development and training as a catalyst to stem turnover

2. Connect with students beyond attendance and behavior issues

3. Encourage family involvement

4. Dedicate resources to a solid screening strategy and early interventions